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Public Accountability Chain

Powered by Unification

Total incidents 64,484
| Palmetto, Georgia

Jasmine Simone Hayes, 28, from Palmetto, Georgia, on 2 April 2021

Victim Info

  • Jasmine Simone Hayes
  • Unknown
  • 28
  • Female


A Kia Forte with a burned-out headlight passed two deputies who were parked on the side of the road about 8:30 p.m. As one of the deputies pulled into the road, he allegedly saw the vehicle illegally pass a car that was stopped at a red light before turning right onto Collinsworth Road. In his report, the deputy noted the vehicle "appeared to already be fleeing from me before I activated my emergency equipment." The license plate on the car was registered to a different vehicle. The deputy activated his lights and siren, but the Kia sped away. The vehicle allegedly passed multiple cars by crossing double yellow lines and entering the opposite lane of travel, reaching speeds of up to 70 mph. Due to the speeds and nature of the roads, deputies were a short distance behind the fleeing vehicle and reportedly lost sight of it. Driver Jamaal Willis-Powell, 30, was trapped in the mangled vehicle. His passenger, Jasmine Simone Hayes, 28, was ejected from the car. Both were killed.

Additional Evidence

  • Jasmine Simone Hayes
  • 28
  • Female
  • Race unspecified
  • NA
  • NA
  • Fayetteville Road and Taylor Circle
  • Palmetto
  • GA
  • 30268
  • Coweta
  • Fayetteville Road and Taylor Circle Palmetto GA 30268 Coweta
  • Coweta County Sheriff's Office
  • Pending investigation


Source ID: 29953 - Fatal Encounters


Mainchain details

The BEACON hash was timestamped at and successfully submitted to Mainchain. The BEACON Timestamp ID is 65081. Submitted in Mainchain Tx F9BA571E09D5C80F253DD2E977DFA2D674D79833A42422EEC6ECA1D234274F5F, at block height 139415

Transaction details

Tx F9BA571E09D5C80F253DD2E977DFA2D674D79833A42422EEC6ECA1D234274F5F
Sent from: und1hf4jjflctvxcfxh5mc47yqvugwcugm9xzevszk
Public Key Type: /cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey
Public Key: A675rrH9WWpxIibCwaEs18WyVdsrByOXRqVay8/b8hGh
Signature: CaEtZZpqz6yWabVHa6J6LrWlgYj7DTgFpHOoB6OtOSQNSIjKsWYid9ThhaK0DSOy7WJ+UVCafahqL8J0dALaIw==
Raw Tx data:

Hash Comparison

Hash stored in database: 1c0a40f21c2417b3d1c4812d520fc5dcaa104685b6a3d893272c222e9282530d

Hash from Mainchain Tx: 1c0a40f21c2417b3d1c4812d520fc5dcaa104685b6a3d893272c222e9282530d

Dynamically generated hash: 0d1030c79dc9660d1cb6ffa5cab943713f6168a8d2d8aa20ad91615205683aa9

Hashes Match?

How is the comparison calculated?

The hash stored in the database is used as the identifier for this report, and can be seen in the URL. The hash from the Mainchain Tx is the hash sent to and stored on Mainchain. Finally, the "generated hash" is generated each time this page is loaded, using the same data used for the hash submitted to Mainchain.

Raw data used to generate the hash, using the Node.js crypto.createHash('sha256') algorithm: