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Public Accountability Chain

Powered by Unification

Total incidents 64,469
| Waterloo, Iowa

Name withheld by police, from Waterloo, Iowa, on 2 April 2021

Victim Info

  • Name withheld by police
  • Unknown
  • Male


Officers responding to the Cobblestone Circle Apartments because shots were being fired. Officers spent hours attempting to communicate with the suspect using a loudspeaker, honking horns, and turning on the sirens of their police cars. They also knocked out a second-floor window in an effort to talk to the person. After making entry, officers located the body of a man who had died from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot in his girlfriend's apartment.

Additional Evidence

  • Name withheld by police
  • Male
  • Race unspecified
  • NA
  • NA
  • 3301 Cobblestone Cir
  • Waterloo
  • IA
  • 50701
  • Black Hawk
  • 3301 Cobblestone Cir Waterloo IA 50701 Black Hawk
  • Waterloo Police Department
  • Suicide


Source ID: 29958 - Fatal Encounters


Mainchain details

The BEACON hash was timestamped at and successfully submitted to Mainchain. The BEACON Timestamp ID is 65076. Submitted in Mainchain Tx 78151123E338C1918A589AB5852177877377D1215E1A04E9541372019D6206C4, at block height 139410

Transaction details

Tx 78151123E338C1918A589AB5852177877377D1215E1A04E9541372019D6206C4
Sent from: und1hf4jjflctvxcfxh5mc47yqvugwcugm9xzevszk
Public Key Type: /cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey
Public Key: A675rrH9WWpxIibCwaEs18WyVdsrByOXRqVay8/b8hGh
Signature: ZirwOLrVpgxIxxSAdLw4NrMbmDAyVu9/UGp6TyHT/D0ELFzlKabsF+Ko3X1EHuU89YU2sHlibbyMbCiNOUnGeg==
Raw Tx data:

Hash Comparison

Hash stored in database: a05bd71a985360d6427b68b2c794deaf3bf71f243281e5f4a492e772848d39d9

Hash from Mainchain Tx: a05bd71a985360d6427b68b2c794deaf3bf71f243281e5f4a492e772848d39d9

Dynamically generated hash: a98b839a5f0232f5174888536300f4f9b4411e70523298a58d88905ee8a3b794

Hashes Match?

How is the comparison calculated?

The hash stored in the database is used as the identifier for this report, and can be seen in the URL. The hash from the Mainchain Tx is the hash sent to and stored on Mainchain. Finally, the "generated hash" is generated each time this page is loaded, using the same data used for the hash submitted to Mainchain.

Raw data used to generate the hash, using the Node.js crypto.createHash('sha256') algorithm: