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Public Accountability Chain

Powered by Unification

Total incidents 64,484
| Schulenburg, Texas

Name withheld by police, from Schulenburg, Texas, on 25 March 2021

Victim Info

  • Name withheld by police
  • Unknown
  • Male


A person in a vehicle allegedly fired shots at a deputy from the Harris County Precinct 5 Constable's Office around 3 a.m. Several agencies responded to the pursuit. The chase passed through Houston and Colorado County where authorities said they used spike strips to damage the tires. The driver continued to drive on rims until finally coming to a stop outside of Schulenburg, where he refused to get out. Deputies said the driver continued to flash a handgun and police shut down I-10. Following an hours long standoff, the driver shot and killed himself about 8:50 a.m.

Additional Evidence

  • Name withheld by police
  • Male
  • Race unspecified
  • NA
  • NA
  • I-10
  • Schulenburg
  • TX
  • 78956
  • Fayette
  • I-10 Schulenburg TX 78956 Fayette
  • Harris County Constable's Office Precinct 5, Fayette County Sheriff's Office, Schulenburg Police Department, Flatonia Police Department, Texas Department Of Public Safety
  • Suicide


Source ID: 29892 - Fatal Encounters


Mainchain details

The BEACON hash was timestamped at and successfully submitted to Mainchain. The BEACON Timestamp ID is 65197. Submitted in Mainchain Tx 8EEF4845848DFE980CD953C959B1143AEDC80172C8CC9B15615B6A9F7917D734, at block height 139531

Transaction details

Tx 8EEF4845848DFE980CD953C959B1143AEDC80172C8CC9B15615B6A9F7917D734
Sent from: und1hf4jjflctvxcfxh5mc47yqvugwcugm9xzevszk
Public Key Type: /cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey
Public Key: A675rrH9WWpxIibCwaEs18WyVdsrByOXRqVay8/b8hGh
Signature: TMzbYqUKKELq/Nr7/gJgl9Llq2avk0VCnWI6L+4idW9+m7PL5upUy8d8gwb1MLUYK/9wowifeF54nsPpdLzLqw==
Raw Tx data:

Hash Comparison

Hash stored in database: 5f28d8161d98119cfea27caad8ce0b088e8e127cd6afa5a802b51f5dc20615a5

Hash from Mainchain Tx: 5f28d8161d98119cfea27caad8ce0b088e8e127cd6afa5a802b51f5dc20615a5

Dynamically generated hash: a37c1f3ad6007962958861090347cc5544c44e891eeb22f0c00de26c4edc3902

Hashes Match?

How is the comparison calculated?

The hash stored in the database is used as the identifier for this report, and can be seen in the URL. The hash from the Mainchain Tx is the hash sent to and stored on Mainchain. Finally, the "generated hash" is generated each time this page is loaded, using the same data used for the hash submitted to Mainchain.

Raw data used to generate the hash, using the Node.js crypto.createHash('sha256') algorithm: