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Public Accountability Chain

Powered by Unification

Total incidents 64,484
| Los Angeles, California

Name withheld by police, 34, from Los Angeles, California, on 14 March 2021

Victim Info

  • Name withheld by police
  • Unknown
  • 34
  • Male


Deputies responded to a call about a suicidal 34-year-old man. Deputies found a man armed with a knife inside a car who refused to drop the weapon and get out, and that they called for a mental evaluation team, but before it arrived, the man got out holding a knife, who turned toward the deputies and began to charge. They reportedly fired a less-than-lethal stun bag at him, but that he charged again, and at least one deputy shot and killed him.

Additional Evidence

  • Name withheld by police
  • 34
  • Male
  • Race unspecified
  • NA
  • NA
  • 100 block North Rowan Avenue
  • Los Angeles
  • CA
  • 90063
  • Los Angeles
  • 100 block North Rowan Avenue Los Angeles CA 90063 Los Angeles
  • Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
  • Pending investigation


Source ID: 29802 - Fatal Encounters

Cross References

This report has possible entries from multiple sources


Mainchain details

The BEACON hash was timestamped at and successfully submitted to Mainchain. The BEACON Timestamp ID is 65352. Submitted in Mainchain Tx CD4354C61C3D3C42D80F18403358092F73416C0104C7E69899B82057A2DB1737, at block height 140451

Transaction details

Tx CD4354C61C3D3C42D80F18403358092F73416C0104C7E69899B82057A2DB1737
Sent from: und1hf4jjflctvxcfxh5mc47yqvugwcugm9xzevszk
Public Key Type: /cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey
Public Key: A675rrH9WWpxIibCwaEs18WyVdsrByOXRqVay8/b8hGh
Signature: n1uXwxzTcK8lzN1tXasly4kJnmwkEy0ew31CKkzpcvV7Ow5W7ftKeLCjpxVYQsJ0BeuSaOj6e1Pw5YVtQDueGA==
Raw Tx data:

Hash Comparison

Hash stored in database: 687b5a82311bb887d9fd1db12dae91b599352b474e3ac79562d7fafcd9f7c534

Hash from Mainchain Tx: 687b5a82311bb887d9fd1db12dae91b599352b474e3ac79562d7fafcd9f7c534

Dynamically generated hash: b4f6c3e155b7ccb5cdce8cbbfc5b917046d22809bccf885bb08dc2afbdf2b913

Hashes Match?

How is the comparison calculated?

The hash stored in the database is used as the identifier for this report, and can be seen in the URL. The hash from the Mainchain Tx is the hash sent to and stored on Mainchain. Finally, the "generated hash" is generated each time this page is loaded, using the same data used for the hash submitted to Mainchain.

Raw data used to generate the hash, using the Node.js crypto.createHash('sha256') algorithm: