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Public Accountability Chain

Powered by Unification

Total incidents 64,484
| Mayesville, South Carolina

Lester Reed, 41, from Mayesville, South Carolina, on 4 April 2021

Victim Info

  • Lester Reed
  • Black/African American
  • 41
  • Male


Deputies responded for a domestic violence call shortly before midnight. Upon arrival, they spoke to a 16-year-old boy who said his mother and stepfather were talking in the living room and that his mother's face was bloody. When deputies arrived and moved toward the living room, they observed a man sitting on a sofa with a woman, and she immediately called out to the deputies. The man then pulled out a handgun and lifted it, and deputies fled. A shot was fired followed by a second shot a few seconds later. Deputies then entered the living room, where it appeared that Lester Reed, 41, had shot Shameka Lashon Dantzler, 36, and then himself.

Additional Evidence

  • Lester Reed
  • 41
  • Male
  • African-American/Black
  • African-American/Black
  • Not imputed
  • Mayes Open Rd & Eastern School Rd
  • Mayesville
  • SC
  • 29104
  • Sumter
  • Mayes Open Rd & Eastern School Rd Mayesville SC 29104 Sumter
  • Sumter County Sheriff's Office
  • Suicide


Source ID: 29974 - Fatal Encounters


Mainchain details

The BEACON hash was timestamped at and successfully submitted to Mainchain. The BEACON Timestamp ID is 65044. Submitted in Mainchain Tx 88CE090B19258BFB8BEE438EDFB823C47938B3DBB0AC44B3AD99F38CF1DAF833, at block height 139378

Transaction details

Tx 88CE090B19258BFB8BEE438EDFB823C47938B3DBB0AC44B3AD99F38CF1DAF833
Sent from: und1hf4jjflctvxcfxh5mc47yqvugwcugm9xzevszk
Public Key Type: /cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey
Public Key: A675rrH9WWpxIibCwaEs18WyVdsrByOXRqVay8/b8hGh
Signature: +15BpDjKdychS+9LeRelBli2Pbs/SXujMktcv/pxrV8/08ujvihL3SMX3p9TZDIHesBVySFZVClp0GSAlDVoAw==
Raw Tx data:

Hash Comparison

Hash stored in database: 9ef4de11bfd685964d08397278640670958e42e7f8b904abc7c6c03e833d74a4

Hash from Mainchain Tx: 9ef4de11bfd685964d08397278640670958e42e7f8b904abc7c6c03e833d74a4

Dynamically generated hash: 5d2cc7084a8983b93e8a8f3ff2cc4e143e86f7db7dc78949c16dde6c73f2aa32

Hashes Match?

How is the comparison calculated?

The hash stored in the database is used as the identifier for this report, and can be seen in the URL. The hash from the Mainchain Tx is the hash sent to and stored on Mainchain. Finally, the "generated hash" is generated each time this page is loaded, using the same data used for the hash submitted to Mainchain.

Raw data used to generate the hash, using the Node.js crypto.createHash('sha256') algorithm: